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Study rooms

At Arana you'll find four tutorial rooms used for both organised sessions lead by experienced tutors and also as quiet study areas. Our academic facilities help drive our impressive results.Study room

We have an impressive Galaxy room with wireless, tables, chairs, and leather couches. The Galaxy room is for both informal and formal learning sessions.

We also have Music rooms featuring a drum kit as well as a piano.

Computer suite

Arana has a 24-hour-access computer suite with all computers connected to the University network, with PC workstations and printer.

University networked

These computers, dedicated for academic use by Arana residents, are networked to the University of Otago's LAN, and give you access to email, the Internet, course specific applications and general software.

Computers in bedrooms and common areas

Students are welcome to bring their own laptop and desktop computers.

Arana College, in addition to the University's libraries, also provides a study centre and tutorial rooms to suit your needs.

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