Dr Adeline Chai is a Prosthodontist and general dentist working at Middlemore Hospital and in private practice in Auckland, New Zealand. She graduated with the DClinDent (Prosthodontics) in 2018.
Why did you decide to undertake postgraduate DClinDent studies?
I developed a special interest in Prosthodontics since I was an undergraduate student. After practising as a general dentist for a few years, I decided to upskill and pursue further training in the field of prosthodontics.
What was it that made you interested in further study in Prosthodontics?
I enjoy the complexity and challenge of treatment planning for my patients. While working as a general dentist, I have thoroughly enjoyed both removable and fixed prosthodontics.
Were there specific reasons that you decided to do your postgraduate DClinDent studies at the Otago Faculty of Dentistry?
The Otago Faculty of Dentistry has strong academic and research reputations. The teaching staff at the Department of Oral Rehabilitation consists of experienced and highly qualified clinicians and specialists. On top of that, I enjoy living and studying in Dunedin.
What has your postgraduate “journey” been like so far? How was it for you personally? What was good, what was challenging, and what do you feel proud about?
My postgraduate years have been very challenging but satisfying. For me, it was hard to adjust to full-time study and juggling between postgraduate studies, work and other activities. It involves significant commitment and self-discipline. However, it is very satisfying in the end to be able to gain new skills and complete the course.
How has postgraduate study influenced your work, career or personal life?
My postgraduate training has allowed me to view patients with a different perspective and provide comprehensive care for my patients. I have also learnt to communicate and work closely with other specialists. During my time in Dunedin, I have met new friends from both inside and outside dentistry whom I still keep in touch with.
Would you recommend postgraduate DClinDent studies to colleagues, friends or peers? Why?
Yes. I would recommend it to anyone who is passionate and dedicated to furthering their training.
What advice would you give to others about undertaking postgraduate studies at the Otago Faculty of Dentistry?
Postgraduate study can be quite taxing – mentally and financially. Be prepared!
How did you find interacting with the other students on the paper/programme?
The weekly case presentations and seminars allowed me and my course mates to interact and learn from each other. We were also able to liaise and work closely with postgraduate students from other disciplines for our patients' care.
How did you find interacting with the staff on the paper/programme?
I feel fortunate to be able to learn from my supervisors and other specialists during my course. All in all, it is a very enriching and humbling experience.
Dr Adeline Chai