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Alternative arrangements for examinations and tests are designed to assist you if you have difficulty sitting examinations or tests under normal circumstances.

Alternative arrangements accommodate a student's disability/impairment-related needs, with the aim of providing an equitable opportunity to participate and achieve.

What alternative arrangements are available?

Disability Information and Support can arrange:

  • Readers
  • Writers
  • Additional time (the standard extra time is 10 minutes per hour of examination)
  • Ergonomic equipment
  • Alternative formatting of exam papers
  • The use of a computer
  • Separate rooms
  • Other arrangements that best meet the documented needs of students.

Supporting documentation

Unless current and relevant documentation is already held by Disability Information and Support, you will need to arrange documentation from a relevant health professional or specialist which clearly supports the arrangements required and indicates why the form of support is necessary.

Applying for alternative arrangements for final examinations

Prior to applying, you should contact your Course Co‑ordinators or Lecturers to find out whether they plan on setting examinations as assessments and what format these will be in, so that you know what kind of arrangements to apply for.

When to apply

Applications open when the examination timetable becomes viewable in your eVision timetable. Applications must be made by the deadline for the relevant examination period, so we recommend you set yourself a reminder to apply 1 week prior to each deadline.

The application deadlines are:

  • Summer School – 1 February, 5:00pm
  • Semester 1 – 7 May, 5:00pm
  • Semester 2 – 7 September, 5:00pm

If you attempt to make an application after the deadline and believe there were exceptional circumstances that prevented you from applying by the deadline, you need to clearly explain those exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances include the worsening of an existing condition or the onset of a new condition or injury (verifying documentation will be required). Applications made after the deadline that do not meet the criteria for exceptional circumstance may be declined.

How to apply

Applications are made through your eVision portal. To make an application you need to:

  • Log into your eVision portal.
  • Go to “Examinations and results”.
  • Click on “Apply here” under section 1, Alternative Arrangements.
  • Complete the details and select the appropriate arrangements for each paper.
    (If a paper is not listed, contact your Course Co‑ordinators or Lecturers to find out whether an examination has been set and if the department is running the examination internally. If it is an internal examination, refer to the “Applying for alternative arrangements for tests and internal examinations” section on this page).
  • Submit the application.
  • Check your portal notification for confirmation that the application has been received.

Log in to eVision

How we will contact you

Usually correspondence regarding your application will be via your student eVision portal. However, if further information is required, or there is a need to contact you, Disability Information and Support or the Examinations Team within Student Administration may use your student email address.

The Student Communications Policy requires students to check primary channels of communication regularly. If your preference is to have email messages forwarded to a personal email address, you are responsible for setting that up.

Applying for a change to final examination dates, times, or venue

Changes are rarely granted and only approved in exceptional circumstances. For more information, visit:

Examination information

Applying for alternative arrangements for tests and internal examinations

Check with the departments you are studying in to find out the details of your tests and internal examinations, then complete an application form:

Application to receive alternative arrangements for tests and internal examinations (PDF)

Return your application form to Disability Information and Support at least 10 days prior to your test or internal examination.

Special Consideration

Internal assessment and attendance

If you have been affected by illness or other exceptional circumstances during the teaching period, please contact the department in which you are studying. If you require assistance with this, please discuss this with a Student Advisor at Disability Information and Support.

Final examinations

You may be eligible for Special Consideration in final examinations if you think your performance in any final examination has been seriously impaired by illness or other exceptional circumstances beyond your control at the time of, or in the 14 days immediately prior to, the examination.

For further information, visit the Special Consideration in Final Examinations page:

Special Consideration in Final Examinations

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