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Te Kahui Houhare Rangahau Hauora

The Early and Mid-Career Researcher ( EMCR ) Group aims to support EMCR s to achieve research excellence by facilitating networking and promoting career development opportunities within the Division. We can be contacted here:


Our Mission: Promote research excellence and sustainability within Aotearoa's unique research environment

Research careers are dynamic, exciting and hugely rewarding, but can also be daunting and precarious, particularly when starting out.

The Division of Health Sciences Early and Mid-Career Researcher ( EMCR ) Management Committee was set up by a group of passionate EMCR s in order to support colleagues across the division to develop research excellence at the University of Otago. As EMCR s ourselves, we understand the trials and tribulations that come with this ultimately rewarding career and want our researchers to achieve excellence while maintaining a holistic life balance.

Working with the Divisional Research Committee, we aim to strengthen our research community across all areas of health science and organise and promote career development opportunities for our EMCRs within the Division. To achieve this, we hold regular symposia, listen to, promote and advocate for EMCR s, and support EMCRs with funding, networking opportunities, and professional development workshops.

We also have a dedicated Blackboard page that includes a calendar of events and other useful information, from grant peer review support, funding opportunities, guides for research impact, Māori Health Advancement, and Vision Mātauranga, and much more. The link is in the Resources section of this page. If you have any problems gaining access to Blackboard, just email us at the address below.

We want to hear from you to know what you need to cultivate a satisfying research career. If you would like to know more, or have any ideas about how we can better support EMCRs , feel free to email us or catch us on Twitter:


Upcoming events

Early and mid-career academic development

Early and mid career academic development planning guide (PDF)

Division support

Drop-in sessions

Drop-in sessions available for feedback on your Māori Health Advancement section of your grant application(s).

Weekly sessions available with Howard Maxwell, Scientific Officer for Māori Health Advancement on Tuesday and Wednesday 11.00am and 11.30am

Additional sessions are available close to HRC and MBIE deadlines.

Book a session


2022 seminars are available to watch on Echo360.
Rutherford Discovery Fellowships, Marsden Fast-Start, Hercus Fellowships, HRC Project Grants.

To access Echo360, check the HS EMCR Support group on Microsoft Teams or email:

Division of Health Sciences Accelerator Grants

EMCR Management Committee members

Each Management Committee member is involved in two areas of focus and strategic oversight is provided by the Chair.

The EMCR Management Committee currently comprises 8 members from across the three main campuses.

Joon Kim (Co-Chair)

Joon Kim image Lecturer
Department of Physiology, Dunedin

Joon's lab page

Kim O'Sullivan (Co-Chair)

Kimberley O'Sullivan 2023 image Senior Research Fellow
Department of Public Health, Wellington

Twitter handle: @DrKimOS
Kim's profile page

Cristina Cleghorn

Christina Cleghorn imageSenior Research Fellow
Department of Public Health, Wellington

Twitter handle: @CristinaCC7
Christina's profile page

Catherine Collins

Catherine Collins imageLecturer
Department of Anatomy, School of Biomedical Sciences

Twitter handle: @cjcollins_nz
Catherine's profile page

Teagan Edwards

Teagan Edwards imageResearch Fellow
Department of Paediatrics, Christchurch

Teagan's profile page

Michael Garelja

Michael Garelja imageAssistant Research Fellow
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Dunedin

Twitter handle: @MGarelja
Michael's profile page

Oliver Lyons

Generic profile silhouette imageSenior Lecturer
Department of Surgery and Critical Care, Christchurch

Jerin Matthew

Jerin Mathew imageLecturer

Department of Anatomy, Dunedin

Jerin's profile page

Helen Owen

Helen Owen imagePostdoctoral Fellow

Ngāi Tahu Māori Health Research Unit, Dunedin

Helen's profile page

Katharina Robichon

Katharina Robichon imageLecturer

Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine, Wellington

Katharina's profile page

Emma Wade

Emma Wade imageResearch Fellow

Department of Women’s & Children’s Health, Dunedin

Emma's profile page


For more information, please contact:


Links and resources

Internal Resources already available to EMCR s

External links


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