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The Academic Committee pages are for academic staff in the Division of Humanities. Our role is to champion great teaching in the Division.

University-wide process to ensure the quality of the student learning experience

We want the teaching and learning in the Division of Humanities to be the best it can be. For that reason we are a part of a University-wide process that helps ensure the quality of the student learning experience:

Academic Committee -  Process for a proposal flow chart

This process draws on the collective wisdom of the University. It reminds you of various policies that are put in place to ensure the quality of what we do. And it provides an important forum for consultation with other departments, other divisions, and, in the case of a Form 1 and some Form 2s, other universities (through CUAP, the Committee on University Academic Programmes).

Select the right form for the outcome you want

The form you fill in is going to be seen by a lot of people. Our role is to help you to get your form into the right shape so that it has the best chance of success and you can get on and do what you plan to do.

What change do you want to make? What form do you use? Notes
Introduce a new programme, major, minor or endorsement

Form 1S and Form 1

View/Download an exemplar of 1S - indicative proposal (PDF, 264KB)

View/Download an exemplar of Form 1 - introduce a new major, part 1 (PDF, 138KB)

View/Download an exemplar of Form 1 - introduce a new major, part 2 (PDF, 121KB)

View/Download an exemplar of Form 1 - introduce a new major, part 3 (PDF, 225KB)

The Form 1S is the Indicative Proposal and needs to be approved by BUGS or BoGS prior to completing the full Form 1.
Change existing regulations or schedules

Form 2

View/Download an exemplar of Form 2 - amend major & minor regulations (PDF, 176KB)

View/Download an exemplar of Form 2 - amend degree regulations (PDF, 136KB)

Adding or deleting papers from current major or minor regulations, or schedules.
Introduce a new paper

Form 3

View/Download an exemplar of Form 3 - Introduce a New Paper (PDF, 406 KB)

View/Download an exemplar of Form 3 - Introduce a New Dual-level Paper (PDF, 322 KB)

View/Download 60 formative assessment examples (PDF, 156 KB)

If the new paper affects current regulations, prerequisites or restrictions of related papers, or a deletion they can be incorporated into this form (so separate forms are not required).

Proposal needs to be sent to ALL HoDs in Humanities and any other affected Department for consultation.

See wording below to use in this form, depending on the response to your consultation.

Introduce a new Special Topic code

Form 3ST

View/Download an exemplar of Form 3ST (PDF, 114KB)

To introduce a 'shell' code for future Special Topic papers.
Offer a new Special Topic paper


View/Download an exemplar of Form DIV ST (PDF, 271KB)

Using an existing ST code for new content.

Special Topics can be taught only for two consecutive years or three times.

See wording below to use in this form, depending on the response to your consultation.

Change a paper's title, prescription, prerequisite, restriction, or point value

Form 4

View/Download an exemplar of Form 4 (PDF, 82KB)

If the change is not related to the introduction of a new paper.

Delete a paper, programme, major, minor, endorsement

Form 5

View/Download an exemplar of Form 5 - delete a paper (PDF, 84KB)

View/Download an exemplar of Form 5 - delete a major (PDF, 101KB)

Change a teaching mode or teaching period

Form 6

View/Download an exemplar of Form 6 (PDF, 251KB)

Not required if only changing between semesters.
Offer a Summer School paper Form 7 Required for all SS papers - send to SS Office with a copy to Divisional office.
Re-instate a suspended paper

Form 9

View/Download an exemplar of Form 9 (PDF, 189KB)

Download the form you need

For the most current version of the form you require, exemplars and resource notes go to the Academic Committees proformas page. This includes information on the University's Annual Deadlines for Academic Proposals.

Make sure you read 'Important Notes for Completing Forms'.

Go to the Academic Committees proformas page.

Humanities Academic Committee deadlines so that you can submit your forms in good time

The process is most effective when forms are submitted in good time. See the link to our committee meeting dates below.

  • If you want to have a new paper included in the printed Guide to Enrolment your form needs to come to us in time for our March meeting.
  • All changes for the following year have to be with us by our May meeting.
  • Be sure to allow time for consultation to take place before you send us your forms.

Humanities Academic Committee meeting dates (PDF 320 KB)

Wording for a Form 3 or Form DIV ST after consultation

When you consult on a Form 3 or a Form DIV ST you can copy-and-paste this wording into your form depending on the response:

In cases where the response is entirely positive:

In the Division of Humanities all Heads of Department are consulted on a form to introduce a new paper, and are invited to respond only if they wish to raise a concern. For this proposal, all Heads of Department were consulted and the responses were all positive, so no consultation table has been included.

In cases where the response is not entirely positive:

In the Division of Humanities all Heads of Department are consulted on a form to introduce a new paper, and are invited to respond only if they wish to raise a concern. For this proposal, the consultation table below sets out only those replies that indicated a concern, and provides a response.

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