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Maori Science Team large 2020
Left to right – Mariana Te Pou, Tracy Perry and Bethany Struthers.

Tracey Perry 2020 imageTracy Perry, Manutaki Tuarua – Associate Dean Māori, PhD, NZRD

Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko Waiapu te awa
Ko Ngāti Porou me Waikato ngā iwi
Ko Uepohatu te hapu
Ko Ruataupare te marae
Nō Tuparoa ahau     Ko Tracy Perry tōku ingoa

Tracy (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Uepohatu, Waikato, Ngāti Wairere) is the Associate Dean Māori (Sciences), an Associate Professor, a Senior Lecturer most recently in the Department of Human Nutrition and New Zealand Registered Dietitian. She is Principle Investigator in Te Koronga (Indigenous Science Research Theme focused on Māori research excellence and aspirations of Māori communities) and a member of Te Poutama Māori.  She is committed to implementing the Māori Strategic Framework and Vision Mātauranga in Sciences by working alongside colleagues to excel in our strategic goals including Ngā Whakahaerenga Pai (Quality Programmes and Teaching), Te Rangahau Māori (Research), Te Taumata Angitū (Māori student success) and Te whakapakaritanga o ngā kaimahi Māori (Māori Staff Growth and Development).

Tracy co-convenes alongside Dr Losa Moata'ane (Associate Dean Pacific, Sciences) Te Ngaru Paewhenua: The Landward Wave Science Scholarships and The Riddet Institute & University of Otago Science Summer Scholarships. These are to support undergraduate Māori and Pacific students to undertake science research projects and encourage future postgraduate study and research.

Tracy works closely with the Kaiārahi Sciences and the Kaiāwhina network supporting student aspirations and achievement in Sciences. Also, the Kaituitui Wānanga in marae based outreach programmes to Māori communities within Aotearoa.


Associate Professor Tracy Perry
Manutaki Tuarua Māori/Associate Dean Māori
Waea/Tel +64 3 244 8494

Bethany Struthers 2020 imageBethany Struthers – Kaiārahi Sciences

Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Whitireia te maunga
Ko Parirua te awa
Ko Raukawakawa te moana
Ko Ngāti Toa Rangatira me Ngāti Raukawa ōku iwi
Ko Takapūwāhia tōku marae
Ko Toarangatira te whare tupuna
Ko Bethany Jane Kalisiana Struthers tōku ingoa

Bethany (Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Raukawa) is the Kaiārahi Sciences for the Division of Sciences and works closely with the Manutaki Tuarua/Associate Dean Māori and Kaituitui Wānanga as part of the Māori Sciences@Otago team. Bethany is also a University of Otago graduate with a Bachelor of Arts – Double major in Indigenous Development and Pacific Islands studies. Bethany has worked in a range of different fields before joining the Māori Sciences at Otago team at the beginning of 2020, including teaching at the Otago University Childcare Associations bi-lingual early childhood centre, Te Pārekereke o te Kī. With the belief that 'education is the greatest equaliser in our society', Bethany works to support student aspirations towards careers in the Sciences with academic and pastoral care.


Bethany Struthers
Kaiārahi Sciences
85 Union Place West
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Waea/Tel +64 3 244 8493

Mariana Te Pou 2020 imageMariana Te Pou – Kaituitui Wānanga

Ko Pukenuiōraho te Maunga
Ko Tauranga te awa
Ko te Waimana Kaaku te whārua
Ko Tātaiāhape te marae
Ko Ngāti Raka te hapu
Ko Ngai Tūhoe te iwi
Ko Te Pou Papaka te tangata
Ko Mariana Maraea Te Pou ahau

Mariana (Ngai Tūhoe, Ngātiwai, Whakatōhea, Tainui) is the Kaituitui Wānanga for the Division of Sciences. Mariana works closely with the Associate Dean Māori, Kaiārahi Sciences, Kaiāwhina network, tauira Māori and academics to deliver Marae based science outreach to our Māori communities. Mariana attended primary school and high school in Flaxmere in a region known as Ngāti Kahungunu between these years, she attended Te Awamutu Intermediate School. Her upbringing hugely influenced her decision to attend the University of Otago, she has graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Anatomy, a Diploma for Graduates in Māori Studies, a Postgraduate Certificate in Public Health and in Science Communication and a Masters in Entrepreneurship. Mariana is a former student of the University of Otago and has worked as the Kaiārahi Sciences, an Assistant Research Fellow in Anatomy with Louise Parr-Brownlie, co-established Te Rōpū Pūtaiao (Māori Science students' association), been the Tumuaki of Te Roopū Māori and an executive member on OUSA. Mariana is an advocate for life-long learning, upskilling and developing science outreach initiatives to inspire and build confidence in our rangatahi Māori whether it is in science, their taha Māori or in education.


Mariana Te Pou
Kaituitui Wānanga
85 Union Place West,
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9054
New Zealand
Waea/Tel +64 3 244 8491
Waea Pūkoro/Mobile +64 21 279 9202

Arihia Joseph 2023 image imageArihia Joseph – Kaiwhakahaere Pūtaiao

Ko Rangitoto ki Maniapoto te maunga
Ko Waipā te awa
Ko Waiwaia te taniwha
Ko Ngāti Maniapoto rāua ko
Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Wairoa ngā iwi
Ko Ngāti Paretapoto, Ngāti Pare,
rātou ko Ngai Tama-te-rangi ngā hapū
Ko Tainui rāua ko Takitimu ngā waka
Ko Te Ahoroa rāua ko Te Poho o
Tama-te-rangi ngā marae
Ko Arihia Joseph tōku ingoa

Arihia (Ngāti Maniapoto me Ngāti Kahungunu ki te Wairoa) is the Kaiwhakahaere Pūtaiao. Arihia works closely with the Associate Dean Māori, the Kaiārahi Pūtaiao, the Kaituitui Wānanga, the Kaiāwhina Network, academic and professional staff, support centres and services across campus to provide culturally responsive support services for Māori students in the Division of Sciences. Arihia brings to the Division of Sciences 19 years of experience initially coordinating the Academic and Mentoring programmes and later working solely on the Academic Programme at Te Huka Mātauraka (Māori Centre).  This work has led to national recognition as a recipient of an Excellence Award in the field of Māori student recruitment and retention in 2019. With a background in information systems, Arihia studied at UCOL (Manawatu) toward a Bachelor of Applied Information Systems.  Arihia is passionate about working with staff and students to produce improved outcomes for Māori.


Arihia Joseph
Kaiwhakahaere Pūtaiao
Level 3
Science 3 Building
Waea/Tel +64 3 479 4208

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