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Steve Broni, Director, Science Academy

Steve Broni

Steve has a Bachelor of Science in Zoology (Marine Biology) from University of Glasgow, a master's in marine Ornithology from University of Cape Town and joined the Division of Sciences in 2010 to establish the Otago University Advanced School Sciences Academy. He has a passion for science education and communicating science to a public audience.

Prior to establishing Science Academy, Steve was an Educator with the New Zealand Marine Studies Centre and stand-in Course Co-ordinator for the University of Otago Diploma of Wildlife Management.

Prior to joining the University Steve was Education/Public Awareness Officer for the Department of Conservation in Otago for 15 years. He has also worked as a wildlife tour guide, is an internationally qualified Interpretive tour guide and trainer and popular public speaker. He has worked widely overseas in Alaska, Australia, South Africa, and Falkland Islands and was a member of the In the Footsteps of Scott Antarctic Expedition 1984-86.


Stephen Broni
Director, Sciences Academy
Tel +64 3 244 8486

Emily Hall, Science Teaching Co-ordinator, Science Academy

Emily Hall

Emily has a Bachelor of Science in Physics and Computer Science a BA in Education, post graduate Bachelor of Secondary Teaching and a Masters degree in Science Communication.

She is very passionate about Physics teaching and finding new ways to engage students with Physics.

In addition to working at the Division of Sciences, Emily also works part time teaching Physics at a local high school.

Before getting into teaching, she worked in the sawmilling industry working on software to laser scan log shapes to optimally position saws in the mill. Emily also previously competed nationally and internationally in karate and currently runs a local dojo.

Her Masters thesis combined her passions and explored teaching Physics through the medium of martial arts.


Emily Hall
Science Teaching Co-ordinator, Science Academy
Tel +64 3 244 8487

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