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Lecture theatres

There are three lecture theatres located in the Surveying School, one on each floor (Rooms G10, 113, and 205). Each lecture theatre is equipped with a PC, digital projector and video facilities. The theatre located on the top floor of the building also contains a Mac computer. Almost all surveying papers are delivered in these lecture theatres.

The School also has a seminar room (Room 122) where lectures and tutorials can be delivered to smaller classes.

Find out about the location of each lecture theatre.

Survey software laboratory

The Survey Software Micro Computer Laboratory is the primary location for Survey software teaching in the School of Surveying. The lab is located on the top floor of the Surveying School building in Room 201.

Find out more about the Survey software laboratory.

Spatial software laboratory

Spatial information laboratory of the School of Surveying 1The Spatial Software Computer Laboratory is the primary location for GIS, Remote Sensing and Hydrographic Surveying teaching and research. The lab is located on the ground floor of the Surveying School in Room G13.

Find out more about the Spatial software laboratory.

Spatial Computation and Analysis Research Facility (SCARF)

Spatial Ecology Research Facility of the School of Surveying 2The SCARF lab is a Spatial Information research focused facility in the School of Surveying. The SCARF lab is located on the ground floor of the Surveying School building in Room G19.

Field equipment

The equipment store is located on the ground floor of the School. An extensive range of surveying field equipment is available for use in student practical exercises and research projects. The equipment is also available for hire by other university departments when not required by School staff or students.

Optical and electronic theodolites, optical and electronic levels, GPS units, hydrographic equipment, and a large supply of general surveying equipment form the inventory.

Find out more about our field equipment.

Student research room

The 'research' students room is a large room dedicated to honours/master/Phd research students. It is formed by a large open space for Honours students and offices for Master and PhD students. The room is located on the ground floor of the School of Surveying.

Student work room

The student work room is a large area dedicated to student use. The room is located on the ground floor of the School of Surveying and students enrolled in 200 level (and above) surveying papers have 24 hour access to this space.

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