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Funding opportunities (administered by HRS / DSM )

Calls and application forms will be updated at least 2 months before the closing date.

Funding RoundsClosing dateDescription

DSM – Research Equipment

12 February 2024 Up to $30,000 for new/replacement research equipment in DSM .

The James Hume Bequest

27 February 2024 For research in psychiatry by DSM or UoO School of Biomedical Sciences staff.
Applicants must be PBRF -eligible; appointed for min. 2 years (past and future).

The H.S. and J.C. Anderson Charitable Trust

26 March 2024 Up to $50,000 for research into human disease by DSM or UoO School of Biomedical Sciences staff.

DSM – New Researcher Start-up Award


Research support for new DSM academic staff ( PBRF -eligible, ≥0.4 FTE ; within 2 years of starting employment)

(excludes clinical academics eligible for the HRS -Joint Clinical Academic Start-up Award)

HRS – Clinical Academic Establishment Award

12 February 2024

6 May 2024

12 August 2024

11 November 2024

Research support for new clinical academics who are employees of the Dunedin School of Medicine and/or Te Whatu Ora Southern.  Eligibility assessments are considered quarterly by the HRS Board.
DSM – Postgraduate Scholarships:            
– The Dunbar Research Scholarship
– The Emily Johnston Scholarships for Research in Science and Art of Clinical Medicine
– The Frances G. Cotter Scholarship for Research in Medicine
– The Lady King Scholarship
11 September 2024 To support students undertaking a postgraduate research degree at DSM .

Each scholarship has a particular research focus and eligibility requirements – please see the Call for Applications.

The HealthCare Otago Charitable Trust

4 September 2024 To support research clearly linked to specific health outcomes or benefits for the communities of Otago.

HealthCare Otago Charitable Trust - Bruce McMillan Fellowship in Orthopaedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Medicine

10 August 2024 To benefit the public good by aiding training or education of health professionals based in Otago in a branch of Orthopaedic Surgery or Musculoskeletal Medicine.

Freemasons NZ Scholarships in Paediatric and Child Health

1 August 2024 These Scholarships are intended to provide support to a scholar whose programme of work or research would lead to a higher degree and whose work is within the field of Paediatrics and Child Health.


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