All workers of the University have health and safety responsibilities, however there is a hierarchy of responsibilities as defined by the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. The following make up the University's health and safety management structure:
Vice Chancellor
- Ensure compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and associated statutes
- Ensure health and safety issues at the University are effectively addressed
- Encourage a corporate culture in which health and safety is given a high profile
- Promote excellence in health and safety management
DVCs/AVCs/Directors of Services
- Ensure Heads of Department/managers have sufficient resources to achieve their health and safety duties
- Ensure Departments meet their required health and safety objectives
- To review Department reports on health and safety progress and compliance
- Active member of the University Health and Safety Committee, including the review and development of University health and safety policies
- To ensure that University health and safety policies are implemented within their division
- To resolve issues of non-compliance where necessary within their division.
Heads of Department/Managers of Services
- Support Departmental Health and Safety Officers (DHSO) by making available time or resources as necessary
- To implement the University health and safety policies that are relevant to the activities within their department, in conjunction with the DHSO
- Develop Departmental health and safety objectives with the DHSO
- To provide relevant information and training to workers, ensuring attendance as required
- To ensure appropriate emergency procedures are in place for departmental activities, facilities and are practised as necessary
- To ensure that risk and hazard identification and management is effective and documentation is maintained
- To raise risk and hazard management issues with the DVC/AVC/Director where the issue cannot be managed at the departmental level or is likely to have implications for the wider University
- To provide reports to the DVC/AVC/Director on health and safety progress and meeting of objectives
- To participate in health and safety audits
- Ensure accident/incident reporting and investigation is thorough
- Meet regularly (at least quarterly) with the DHSO
View the HOD/Managers Health & Safety Toolkit (PDF format, 309KB)
- While supervising workers or students in a University of Otago workplace, supervisors are representing the University as a PCBU (Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking)
- Duties include providing a safe workplace or others authorised to be in that workplace
- To be aware of the risks, hazards and controls involved in the area of work
- To ensure controls are adhered to
- To report any hear hits, incidents or injuries to any person authorised to be in the workplace through the University reporting system
- To follow University health and safety policies and procedures
Download the Supervisor's Health & Safety Checklist (PDF format, 73KB)
Departmental Health & Safety Officers (DHSO)
- To complete risk and hazard identification and maintain risk/hazard register including reviews of the register and risk and hazard auditing
- To maintain the accident register for the department and provide copies of accident forms to the UHSM
- To report on risk and hazard management issues that require further controls to the HOD/Manager
- To complete accident investigations and associated documentation
- Co-operate with initiatives from the University Health and Safety Team
- Liase with Departmental Emergency Wardens to ensure emergency procedures are in place and practised as necessary
- Act as a resource for information on health and safety matters
- Ensure that effective health and safety training, information and supervision is available to those who require it
- To complete the inductions for new workers with respect to the health and safety requirements
- Liase with other departments and organisations as necessary
Health & Safety Representatives
- Health and Safety Representatives are nominated or elected by workers
- H&S Reps are an additional contact point for workers and students to raise health and safety issues
- H&S Reps provide support to DHSOs in the provision of health and safety information
- Facilitate increased involvement by workers and their representatives on health and safety matters
Download the Employee Participation Agreement (2008) (PDF format, 162KB)
University Workers
- Report any identified risks and hazards to the DHSO
- Report all accidents to the DHOS/HOD/Manager as soon as possible
- Attend health and safety training provided
- Co-operate with the University health and safety programme
- Ensure students and workers under their supervision are informed, trained and suitably equipped to deal with the health and safety risks and hazards they may encounter
- Know the relevant health and safety policies and comply with the requirements
- Risk Management, Ethics and Statutory Compliance Committee
- Health & Safety Committee
- Hazardous Substances and Radiation Committee
- Institutional Biological Safety Committee
- Animal Ethics Committee
Find out more about the University of Otago committee structure
Key contacts
Andrea McMillan
Head, Health and Safety Compliance
64 3 479 7380
Nevan Trotter
Health and Safety Advisor
64 3 479 5389