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Wide-angle view of a seminar room and social spaces at the Health Sciences Southland Study Hub

An education and research centre at Southland Hospital

Designed for University of Otago students and staff, the Health Sciences Southland Study Hub accommodates local research and is designed to enhance relationships with the Southland community.

The Hub features:

  • Modern video conference facilities
  • Space for consultation with research participants
  • 24-hour student study spaces
  • Teaching / tutorial / seminar rooms
  • Administration facilities

In addition to supporting teaching and research, the space is designed for use by Southland community groups for purposes such as:

  • Falls prevention exercise classes
  • Information evenings for potential Otago students
  • Public meetings
  • Viewing public lectures in Dunedin via live video links

Students reviewing X-rays at the Health Sciences Southland Study Hub

Our people at the Health Sciences Southland Study Hub

Each year, the University of Otago trains more than 250 students in Invercargill.

At any one time, the Southland Hospital campus hosts up to 28 medical students and 50 students from other programmes, including:

  • Allied Health
  • Dentistry
  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Pharmacy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Radiation Therapy

The University also has 19 Health Sciences staff based in Invercargill, including 17 at Southland Hospital.

Associate Professor Konrad Richter.“We are fortunate to have a very strong relationship between the University and the DHB; a real community of clinicians and others in the health care system who are passionate about research and education. The education centre gives us the chance to open our doors and invite the wider public into our conversations, and we look forward to welcoming them to Southland Hospital.”

— Clinical Professor Konrad Richter
Associate Dean (Southland)
and Consultant Colorectal Surgeon

Campus administration

Clinical Readers

Clinical Senior Lecturers

  • Dr Ben Campbell (Coordinator) Paediatrics
  • Dr Kimball Chen (Coordinator) Psychological Medicine
  • Dr Lena Clinckett (Coordinator) Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Dr Byron Brown Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Dr Anthony Buddle Emergency Department
  • Dr Animesh Chatterjee (Coordinator) Medicine
  • Dr James Faherty Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Dr Prosen Ghosh Medicine
  • Paul Manuel (Coordinator) Surgery
  • Dr Agata Moody Psychological Medicine
  • Mr Pierre Navarre (Coordinator) Orthopaedics
  • Dr Aisha Paulose Primary Care
  • Dr Jennifer Rozum Emergency Department
  • Paul Samson Surgery
  • Mr N Amir Sandiford Orthopaedic Surgeon
  • Dr Claire Shadwell Emergency Department
  • Dr Ian Shaw Paediatrics
  • Dr Amanda Sommerfeldt Hospice
  • Julian Speight Surgery

Person walking through the ciruclation space at the Health Sciences Southland Study Hub


The Health Sciences Southland Study Hub is on the ground floor of the Education Building on the Southland Hospital campus. It is directly below the Southern District Health Board's Clinical Education and Skills Centre.

Together, these two facilities form the joint DHB and University learning and research centre.

Southland Hospital campus map
Map of the Southland Hospital campus showing the location of the Health Sciences Southland Study Hub (marked in yellow as #5 Learning and Research Centre).

Staff and students in disussion in one of the meeting rooms at the Health Sciences Southland Study Hub

Contact us

Susan Miller-Black

Administrator, Student Affairs
Tel +64 3 218 1949 ext 48212
Office hours: Monday–Friday 8:30am–12:15pm

Jillian Tourelle

Alternative contact after 12:15pm
Manager Student Affairs
Tel +64 3 470 9844

Clinical Professor Konrad Richter

Associate Dean (Southland), General Surgeon, and Clinical Professor
Tel +64 3 218 1949 ext 48209

Associate Professor Tania Slatter

Course Director for Medical Laboratory Science

Chris Higgs

Clinical Education Programme Lead, School of Physiotherapy
Tel +64 3 471 6943

Aynsley Peterson

Professional Practice Fellow – Experiential Learning, School of Pharmacy
Tel +64 3 479 5280

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