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If you are called up for Jury Service, you do not need to take annual leave to cover the time you will be away on jury duty.

Attending Jury Service is a legal requirement, so permanent and fixed term staff will be granted special leave with pay. For specific information, please consult your employment agreement.

What do I need to do?

You should advise your manager of the dates that you will be away, subject to being selected for service.

Returning to work

The University expects that staff will attend Court as requested, and if not selected for a jury, return to work.

Fees and payments

As the University will continue to pay your salary, you should ensure that all fees payable by the Court other than for service performed on a non-work day are on-paid to the University. These do not include any expenses (e.g. food, parking etc).

Your Departmental Administrator can assist you with the repayment process.

Key contacts

HR Services

64 3 479 8269

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