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The University recognises and celebrates the importance of whānau, and provides a comprehensive and inclusive Parental Leave Policy which aims to support all parents.

Subject to eligibility criteria, staff may apply for up to 52 weeks of unpaid parental leave, plus up to two weeks paid leave for partners.

The primary carer may also take up to twelve weeks of paid parental leave. The Policy is flexible and in the case of both parents working for the University, they may choose to share their leave entitlements as best suits their needs.

Information sessions

The HR Services team provide separate information sessions for prospective parents, and for Managers/Supervisors/Administrators, wanting to better understand the provisions and support available. Staff at our other campuses can contact their HR Administrator for information and support.

Applying for Parental Leave

University entitlement

There are separate applications for the primary carer and for partners (where the partner is a University staff member).

Complete the Primary Carer's Parental Leave form

Complete the Partner's Parental Leave form

Government entitlement

Staff may also be eligible for a government entitlement depending on their situation. For further information and the application process, please refer to the IRD website.

Key contacts

HR Services
Tel +64 3 479 8269

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