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Check out the array of research expertise emerging within Media, Film and Communication.

Current students

PhD students

Eleanor Crabill (co-supervised with School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences)
A critical analysis of the legacy and impacts in the post-FIFA Women's World Cup era

Oliver Dearnley-Smith
Self-Alienated spirit; the subject and the social in Hegel and Critical Theory

Kevin Denholm

Frankie Fei
"Feels Like Queer Spirit": Queer Structures of Feeling in Independent Films and Narratives

Kevin Fletcher
The Family in United States Media Culture

David Green

Deniz Karahan-Alp
Between Emancipation and Domination: Herbert Marcuse and social media

Arundhati Sethi (co-supervised with the English Programme)
Spatialized Optics in Contemporary Refugee Comics 

Charlotte von Waldenfels (co-supervised with Sociology, Gender Studies and Criminology)
Trauma, Womanhood and Landscape in female-led crime drama

Tessa Watson

Eileen Yu
Feminine Aesthetics and Visual Imagination in the works of Virginia Woolf, Germain Dulac and Dora Carrington

Jung Seok (Lucas) Yu
How Can Social Media Be Regulated in a Democracy: A study of platform accountability in South Korea

MA by thesis students

Rose Finnie

MA by coursework students

Yana (Lingling) Hu
Jia Ling and feminism in China

Ingrid Ireland-White

Completed students

PhD graduates

Dr Aida Nasirah Abdullah
Environmental Online Communication in Malaysia: a Case Study of Best Practices used by Malaysian Environmental NGO's Websites

Dr Anne Begg
Brand New Zealand: Media Governmentality and Affective Biopower

Dr Garth Cartwright
"We Live Inside a Dream": Ideology and Utopia in the Films of David Lynch

Dr Maud Ceuterick
Willful women in contemporary cinema: Affect, space and affirmative aesthetics

Dr Florian Deffner
Communicative Mobility and Networked Mediation in Transnational Lifeworlds: a case study of European Expatriates in Australia

Dr Gillian Elliot
Exploring nature as representation and young adults' conceptualisations of nature in the user-generated online world: Nature 2.0

Dr Hannah Herchenbach (co-supervised with Sociology)
On Becoming a Dunedin Rock Musician

Dr Bethany Geckle (co-supervised with Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences)
Queer World-Making: Destabilising Heteronormativity through Skateboarding.

Dr Owain Gwynne
Fan-Made Time: Power and play in the production paratext of The Hobbit

Dr Olivier Jutel
Liberalism and its Populist Excess – Barack Obama, the Tea Party and the Median Field

Dr Chris Hacon
The Algorithmic Subject: the neo-liberal apparatus and hte social media technology of power
Watch seminar

Dr Rieko Hayakawa
Possibility of telecommunication universal service in the Pacific Islands: case studies of Vanuata, PEACESAT and USPNet

Dr Teri Higgins
Attention to Detail: Epistolary Discourse and Contemporary Cinema

Dr Gabrielle Hine
Shaping Motherhood: Representations of Pregnancy in Popular Media

Dr Shah Nister J Kabir
New Zealand Media Constructions of Islam and Muslims: An analysis of selected newspapers between 2005-2006

Dr Rebecca Kambuta
Programming Parents: Care of Supernanny

Dr Paul Kirkham
Mimesis and Power

Dr Mariska Mannes
When professional and cultural identities collide: working in a multicultural health team in NZ

Dr Carolijn Van Noort
BRICS online: a narrative analysis of new technologies and identity forming

Dr David Paterno
Joining (or constrained between) Technology and Medium: Social Communication as Organising Practice

Dr Bronwyn Polaschek
The Postfeminist Biopic: Narrating the lives of Plath, Kahlo, Woolf and Austen

Dr Ellen Pullar
Arletty and Jean Harlow: a Comparative Analysis of Two Film Stars of the 1930s

Dr Donald Reid
From Solid to Liquid Culture: The institutional, political and economic transformation of New Zealand state broadcasting

Dr Erica Todd
Representing Romance at the Movies: Passionate Love and Film Genre

Dr Massimiliana Urbano
Becoming-common: affective technologies and grassroots activism in contemporary Italy

Dr Thaera Yousef
Telling gendered news stories of women and Islam in Malaysia: A narrative analysis of Malay women and controversy in Malaysian online news coverage, 2014 to 2017

Masters' graduates

Taylor Adams
From flayed bodies to frozen eggs: A cultural history of the body, somatechnices, and the 're'-turn of the flesh.

Chloe Banks

Alison Blair
Children of the Revolution: Bolan, Bowie and the carnivalesque

George Elliott
A Baudrillardian Analysis of War Porn and the Speculative Martian Frontier

Aline Freire de Carvalho Frey
Realism, Urban Conflict and Spatial Segregation in New Brazilian Cinema

Petra Lenihan
Rethinking Indian Cinema: Toward a Cinema of Multiplicity

Paul McMillan
Media Power, Framing and the New Zealand Press: VSM and Kim Dotcom

Bernard Madill
Soundscaping New Zealand: an Aural Perspective of a Cinematic Geography

Ryan Metzler
Creative cross-cultural collaboration: forging a new path for ethnographic film in Aotearoa New Zealand

Katherine Miller-Skillander
Documenting Lives Over Time: How Longitudinal Documentaries Provide a Visual Life Course Perspective

Jo Murphy
Re-Presenting Fear: the Slasher Remake as Cumulative Hypertext

Elizabeth Ross
'And Godard Created Karina': The Muse from Goddess to Vessel in European Cinema.

Jane Ross
Re-examinations of Rural Life in Contemporary New Zealand Documentary

Abigail Sawyer
Race, Terror and the Media: Representations of the New Zealand "Anti-terror" Raids

Peter Stapleton
The Rockumentaries, Direct Cinema, and the Politics of the 1960s

Edmund Smith
The Age of the Superhero: the cycle of appropriation & revitalisation in the Hollywood Blockbuster

Amie Taua

Matt Ward
Previously on Battlestar Galactica: Narrative Innovation in Contemporary American Science Fiction Television

Eileen Yu
Virginia Woolf, the Window and Visual Culture

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