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Master of Science (MSc)


    Students wishing to undertake a Master of Science in the Department of Pathology can do so under the co-supervision with another Department within the Health Sciences Division. This may be a one-year or two-year master's degree. The Master of Science programme by papers and thesis takes two years' full-time study to complete, or longer if studied part-time. Study involves four 400-level papers in the first year, plus PATH 580 (a preparatory thesis paper), followed by a year of research culminating in the submission of a master's thesis. Students who have completed an honours programme may move directly into a thesis-only programme.

    Acceptance into a PhD programme can follow satisfactory performance in the master's degree.

    Students can also be admitted into a one-year master's degree by thesis only where honours or a postgraduate diploma has been completed to a required minimum standard.

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    Regulations on this page are taken from the 2023 Calendar and supplementary material.

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    Regulations on this page are taken from the 2024 Calendar and supplementary material.

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